
Letting Go of Childhood

With less than a month left in Michigan, the countdown has really begun. Although I am excited to be moving to Tulsa, a piece of me will always remain in MI. My parents are selling my childhood home, which has been incredibly difficult on all of us. It's funny what "makes" home for each of us...the wild violets that stubbornly appear in our yard each year and the old vine that creeps across our brick with outstretched fingers--these are symbols of home for me. What are some symbols of home for you?

(Click on each photo to enlarge)


  1. Home for me will always be Michigan and I can't wait to move back. I miss, sidewalks, curbs, street lights, mile roads, bagles, and polish ham.

  2. Oh dear, I can't even imagine a place without all of those things! Where are you living again? And what do you DO without street lights?!
