This is BARB.
She's kind of a b*tch. Well, she's like that girl that you meet and initially write off as a b*tch, but then once you get to know her, you're like in love with her.
See, the thing is, BARB is really big. I mean we're talking mega-thick. She totally hurts your back when you're lugging her around for work training, and before you get to know her it's really hard to understand what her purpose is. I mean do we seriously need to trek around in the Arizona heat (which is like an oven, by the way) with a 50-lb book?!
(BARB, compared to an apple.)
(BARB--side view.)
But it turns out, BARB, which just happens to stand for "Big Awesome Red Book," IS actually awesome. She's super helpful and loaded with all sorts of good teaching stuff. Classroom Management plan? Check. Lesson Plan template? Check. Breakdown of the Culture of Achievement? Check. So, I was wrong, friends. BARB kicks ass. Girl's a teacher's best friend, loaded with secret weapons for unruley and disengaged students. You go, BARB.